Somehow in trying to download a different picture I accidentally deleted this entry. I’m pretty bummed about it. I don’t know how I managed that and I hadn’t saved it. Bummer. In summary of what I said earlier is-
There is a season for work and for vacation (KJV- Kayla Johnson version :^). After all of the hard work on the CD, my family was thankfully able to take a much needed vacation to Gulf Shores. It was a time for us to refocus on each other. We can get so busy with good things like- ministry and serving that we can cease to really “see” those that are really our primary responsibility and who are the closest to us. Distractions can come in all forms… even ministry can become a distraction if we lose our focus on the One who we are serving and the ones He’s given us to serve…
As I watched my children playing in the waves this scripture kept coming to me:
Psalms 42
7 Deep calls to deep
in the roar of your waterfalls;
all your waves and breakers
have swept over me.
8 By day the LORD directs his love,
at night his song is with me—
a prayer to the God of my life.
Thank God for an opportunity to just let our hair down, to just be silly and to have no agenda other than having fun and just being together. It was a great way to come back and to begin homeschooling. We were refreshed and encouraged. I want to encourage everyone who reads this to take time out to spend focused, uninterrupted time with your loved ones. We can’t all take big vacations but we can take time out here and there to give them our undivided attention and to just enjoy being together away from the things that draw our attention away from them. Relationships are eternal. The world will not cease to exist if we get away for a time to just be with our loved ones. It’s an investment that’s invaluable. We can’t afford NOT to spend time together. My goal this coming year, is to take time away, even an evening here and there, with each one… Thank God for family. It’s a blessing from the Lord on high. We only have one special group of people that are our very own, that we can say of “This is my family”… Let’s not neglect them! :^) God bless. KHJ